Tuesday 10 July 2012

My Amazing Day Out!

Saturday 7th July I had a day out, with my friend Hils and no one else. No hubby, no kids, no one and it was GREAT! We went to the Healing Weekend held at Secret World Animal Rescue. Originally, we were going to camp there overnight but the weather was so awful that we decided against it. Here's what we got up to.

When we arrived we headed straight for our first workshop which was due to start any minute. It was called Healing the Heart held by Nicki Parkin-Jones. It was amazing! First, she gave us a talk about a crystal called   Ussingite. It is a fairly rare crystal found mainly in Russia. It is believed to help with addictions and has a calming vibration which helps the connection between head and heart. We did a meditation with this crystal to help us see things from a different perspective. It was quite an experience and I felt like I was coming out of the deepest sleep I have ever had at the end. 
no previewFollowing that we got into pairs and did a Rose Quartz massage on each other. This was amazing. I felt totally relaxed and mellow for the first time in ages! I kept seeing a swirling pink mist, which was quite cool. A crystal massage involves selecting a crystal and massaging it over a persons aura. You don't touch their physical body or it would be quite uncomfortable! Rose Quartz is probably one of the more common crystals. It is pink and is know as the "love stone". It is usually found polished and shaped into a heart, like this one.

After that we fancied some tea and cake so went off to search... The weather had been awful and the rain had caused a few problems, along with the wind. Some of the stalls had been blown over which meant a lot of the workshops had to be rearranged or cancelled. 
As you can see from these pictures, it was like Glastonbury! Some fairies made the most of it and paddled up and down the puddles sharing jokes. "I can row my boat. Canoe?!" and singing songs. Very uplifting on such a miserable day! 

We found a lady selling home made cakes so we had a gorgeous piece of ginger flapjack with lime drizzle icing. It was gorgeous!! We decided to head off site to find a cash point and get some LPG for the car. It was quite eventful getting out of the field so we decided to park on the road when we came back! After a short trip round the local area we found a cash point AND an LPG pump. Having stocked up on gas and cash we headed back.

webshop/DSC005491.jpgWe had a look round the stalls. Some of the work was brilliant! John Wakefield is an amazing artist and I would gladly have ANY of his paintings at home. They are so detailed and breath taking. Stunning! This little image does not do him justice at all. Have a quick look at his site. His photography is out of this world as well! Very talented man, I'm sure you'll agree. 
We wandered round some more stalls offering an artists impression of your spirit guide, healing for animals, book stalls and several crystal stalls. I bought myself a gorgeous Carnelian pendant at one of them. After I'd bought it Hils asked if I got the card that explains what it's used for. I went back to got one and couldn't believe my eyes when I read it! Carnelian: good for boosting energy levels (I need!). Good for meditation, arthritis (I have a bit), Lifting depression (I have a fair bit), boosting fertility (I'll pass!), alleviates back pain (marvelous!) and fear (most wonderful!). Call it a coincidence but I didn't feel remotely interested in any other stone in there apart from this one - strange? A little...

We made our way round to the main performance tent and went in for a session of Trance Dance with Shamanic Drummers called Touch the Earth. I have never done anything like this before and it was a great experience. No one was allowed to stay in the marquee unless they were going to take part. We all closed our eyes in our own space and the drumming slowly began. We had to imagine we were young trees swaying in the wind. Gradually the music grew a little louder and faster. Before I knew it I was dancing about with my eyes shut, not caring who was watching. Totally uninhibited. It was amazing and I loved it. You know the saying, Dance like nobodys watching? I have! That is the point of Trance Dance. To provide people with a safe environment where they can freely express themselves. If you can try it, I dare you! 

During the day I also had a Kirlian Photograph taken and I had an Angel Tarot Reading. There is far too much to tell you here so I will write a separate post for them and link them back here. 
I hope you have enjoyed my day out too and had a look at the wonderful links throughout the post.

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